21 October 2008

Off to Chicago

Today I get to fly to Chicago for my fellowship conference -- I'm excited and a bit nervous (the whole "presenting your research for senior scholars" thing). I love Chicago and it'll be great to meet other folks researching education, and of course, it's always fun to pal around with terrorists. One of the senior scholars is that guy who's been in the news a lot lately -- in addition to all his anti-American ways, he's now a well-respected education reformer and professor in Chicago, so it's a no-brainer for him to attend. I look forward to the awkward introductory jokes made at the various receptions and dinners this weekend. (I guess my presidential hopes are shot now though, drat!) Wish me luck with the schmoozing!

In other recent news, the annual corn maze adventure went off fantastically -- that is a lot of fun to be had for a mere $12. Spooky! And I've been trying to wrap my mind around the class I'm grading for this fall, on war, but I just can't do it. It's not that it's too complex for me, it's kind of the opposite. That sounds snotty and "elitist," I know, but if social history, culture, gender, race, capitalism and religion as categories of analysis and interpretation are all virtually useless and entirely secondary to examinations of tactics and weaponry, I've got to say, you've lost my interest. The students say things in their papers like "there were a lot of whores." That's the extent of their "social history." Then it's back to cannonballs. And I'll stop my complaining there, because I've been doing a lot of it lately. At least I can appreciate that it's an easy part-time job for me this term, but I have to say I've never used my brain less in a classroom, even, I think, in high school. And it's one of the most popular classes we offer -- I'm not sure what that says. Students prefer if they never have to do any critical thinking? Shocker!


Trust in Steel said...

You'll do great and have fun at the conference! You can tell "that guy" you have a colleague that endorses the idea that proper education reform would be to reinstitute the Spartan system of child-rearing across the board in order to purge the dual infection of hereditary privilege and sense of entitlement that actually permeates all levels of society - high and low. Personally, I don't think "that guy" even has his own convictions anymore and his present vision is most likely a result of our mollified and rotting society. Have a lovely trip - I think I'll go for a walk in a botanical garden!

Dolce Vita said...

Hey - I thought the fellowship meant that you wouldn't have to do things like grade. I'm sorry to hear about that. But so excited to find out that you're headed to Big City to pal around with terrorists. Have fun and keep us posted!

SuperJew said...

Have fun in Chi-town! I miss Chicago! And I think as long as you avoid Acorn, you may still have a shot at the Whitehouse! You are quite the Maverick, my dear, so on that alone... you'd be a shoe-in. ;)

Sorry to hear about the class. I forgot that they still teach classes like that. I hope not too many, or we may never get hired! ;)

Rachel said...

Xia Yun and I TA'd the class I believe you're talking about. And it was actually a fun bit of history fluff. :) It's one of the "gotcha" courses, get students interested with this course, then they'll sign up for others and maybe actually use their brains. Lectures reminded me of watching the History Channel though... as in literally, one of the lectures reminded me of a show on the 100 years war (the battle in which all the Frenchies died). I don't think the HC is exactly what we're trying to channel....