14 December 2006

Before and After

Some random shots from the last few days -- babysitting, dinner party, and much, much crafting:

Crushing the candy canes (baby helper joined in for this -- he refers to it as "hamo nandy!"). It is very satisfyingly violent and effective to smash up candy canes with a wee craft hammer.

And the finished product is pretty tasty, too. I call them peppermint mocha-cakes.

This is what happens when I first attempt to arrange magnetic letters on a stamper to read a holiday message. I have crafting-only dyslexia. I think it's like playing an album backwards -- it's some sort of message from the dark powers that there will never be peace on earth (or "no ecaep htrae").

When I arrange them the right way, it all works a lot better.

Baby self-portrait. He got ahold of my camera and went to town. I think his eye for photography surpasses mine, which isn't really too hard to do. Toward the end of the dinner party this little guy took every pot and pan we own out of the cupboards and walled me into a corner with them.

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