04 March 2008

Check it Out

Go here -- it's hilarious. Though to be fair, it's really about upper-middle-class, overeducated (white) people. The description of NPR-listening, "This American Life" fans particularly kills me. It's good to be reminded of how absurd and privileged many of my preferences are.


the rambler said...

Hilarious! White people also like blogs, and commenting on blogs.

Dolce Vita said...

Wow! That is a great find; very funny.

Y. said...

Thanks for the recommendation C! Did you check out today's yet - aptly enough about graduate school? =)

Dolce Vita said...

I'm so glad you found this. My face hurt from laughing at the graduate school entry (thanks, Y).

Cabiria said...

Yes, the graduate school one was hilarious. As was "hating corporations" and today's favorite about t-shirts, specifically the Threadless site. Which I and many of my people may own shirts from.

Cassandra of Troy said...

As a biracial woman who grew up virtually white I am SHOCKED and OFFENDED at the RACISM of this blog...Kidding. I almost peed myself. Hating corporations? Graduate school? Should be called things Saru likes.

Rachel said...

oh, but didn't you notice the part about "the wrong kind of white people" on the t-shirt entry? it's not only racist, but classist as well! :D This is SO funny! I loved the part about Apple, Target and Ikea are exempt from the corporation complaining because they're corporations white people like. Alright, I admit it - I'm guilty. :D